Sunday, July 16, 2006

Post 51

My 51st post! Here is the sunset from our house last night. It was SO beautiful! We have the best sunsets in the world here, they are better here than any of the other islands we have lived on. I'm pretty sure it's because of the volcano. You are almost guaranteed a beautiful sunset, some are just extraordinary. Tenzin is taking his nap- they have been few and far between these days. I was trying to get him down to one nap a day, and now there have been a few days he'll only nap for 20 min. It's hard because I don't get a lot done, and he's cranky for the rest of the afternoon. Tenzin has been understanding a lot lately. He'll help us clean up his toys, and will go get a certain object when we ask him to. The potty training on the other hand has regressed a little since we went to Maui... Still working on it though. He will always go shi shi on the potty, the other not so much.
Tomorrow we are going to Honolulu, the tickets were super cheap, so we thought we'd go have a little fun in the *big* city.... We'll have all you can eat sushi and go the the aquarium and China town. Everyone always asks me "if you live in Hawaii, where do you go on vacation?" That's pretty much it. Other islands, and home to visit family. It suits us pretty well, it's just nice to get off the island for a little while, even if it's just for the weekend. You always love coming home.

See you when we get back!
Kiss Kiss

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